Cornhole is a popular lawn game that has been played in America for centuries. It is a game that can be played with friends and family and is a great way to pass the time. While it may seem simple, there are a few important rules that beginners should know before they start playing. In this post, we’ll be taking a closer look at the rules of cornhole, as well as tips and tricks to help beginners get started.
The Setup
Before you start playing cornhole, you need to set up the boards. Cornhole boards are typically made of wood or plastic and are placed about 27 feet apart. The boards should be positioned so that they face each other. Each board should have a 6-inch hole that is centered 9 inches from the top. Players stand behind their board and take turns tossing corn-filled bags at the opposite board.
The official regulation size cornhole board dimension is 48 inches long by 24 inches wide. The top of the board should be 12 inches from the ground, with the hole placed exactly nine inches from the top. The measurements are such that it allows a bag to pass over the board and drop into the hole when thrown correctly. The bags used in the game should be 6-by-6 inches square and filled with between 14 and 16 ounces of shelled dry corn.
Apart from the regulation size, there are other sizes of cornhole boards that can be used to play the game. These include tailgate 2x3 and kids 1x2 size cornhole boards. Tailgate 2x3 cornhole dimensions are 36 inches long by 24 inches wide. Kids 1x2 boards measure 24 inches long by 12 inches wide and come with a set of bean bags that are smaller than those of a regulation set.
The Bags
Cornhole bags come in a variety of materials, sizes, and styles to suit different skill levels and playing. Corn-filled bags are the traditional choice as they are filled with shelled dry corn or another type of grain, measure 6 inches by 6 inches, and weigh between 14 and 16 ounces. Corn-filled bags are quite durable and can be used to play almost any type of game.
Resin filled cornhole bags are becoming increasingly popular among those who play this game outdoors. These durable professional cornhole bags are made from a heavy-duty plastic resin that is designed to resist moisture, making them perfect for outdoor use. Unlike traditional corn-filled bags, which can become soggy and heavy when exposed to wet weather conditions, resin filled bags remain dry and light, making them more enjoyable to play with.
Dual sided stop and go cornhole bags are a great addition to any game of Cornhole as they offer players the ability to adjust their strategy on the fly. One side of the bag is designed to be “fast”, meaning that it will slide more when thrown. The other side of the bag is made to be “slow” and will "stick" when it hits the board. By switching between the two sides, players can alter their pace during a game or surprise their opponents with unexpected throws.
The Scoring
Cornhole scoring is simple and straightforward. Each cornhole bag that lands on the board scores one point, while a bag that goes through the hole is worth three points. The game usually ends when one of the players or teams reaches 21 points, although if both players reach 21 in the same round, it will go into overtime until someone wins.
In a tournament setting, cornhole is scored according to the American Cornhole Organization (ACO) regulations. The official ACO game consists of two teams of two players each and follows a set of strict rules and guidelines.
The Gameplay
Cornhole is a game of strategy and skill. The game is played with two players or two teams of two. Players alternate throwing their cornhole bags at the board until all eight bags have been thrown. After the first round, the player or team that scored the most points in the previous round throws first. This continues until the end of the game. To increase their chances of winning, players must carefully consider their throws and use a variety of strategies to outsmart their opponents.
Tips and Tricks
One of the most important tips for beginners is to practice. The more you practice, the better you will get at throwing the bags. You can also experiment with different throwing techniques, including overhand or underhand throws. Another tip is to study your opponent and try to predict where they will throw their bags. Also, don't forget to have fun! While cornhole is a competitive game, the most important thing is to have a good time.
Another helpful tip for cornhole players is to be mindful of their stance. It's important to stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and keep your arms at a comfortable angle when throwing. This helps to maintain balance and ensure accuracy. Additionally, it's important to keep a steady rhythm when throwing the bags. Too fast can result in an inaccurate throw, while too slow can cause your opponent to gain the upper hand.
Get Out There & Start Playing Cornhole
Cornhole is a fun and easy game that anyone can play. Whether you’re in your backyard or at a family event, cornhole is a great way to pass the time. Remember, the rules of cornhole are easy to learn but difficult to master. With practice and patience, you can become an expert in no time. So what are you waiting for? Grab a board, some bags, and start playing!