How to Make Cornhole Boards Slick

Cornhole is a classic outdoor game that has been around for generations. It’s a great way to spend time with family and friends, and it’s also a fun way to practice your aim. But if you want to take your game to the next level, you need to make sure your cornhole boards are slick and perfectly playable. Here’s how you can do just that.

Clean and Sand the Boards

sanded custom cornhole boards

The first step in making your cornhole boards slick is to clean them and sand them down. Start by wiping down the boards with a damp cloth or paper towel. This will remove any dirt or debris that has accumulated on the surface of the boards. Then, use sandpaper or an electric sander to smooth out any rough spots on the boards. This will help ensure that the paint or sealant you apply later will adhere properly and create a smooth surface.

Why Do You Need to Clean & Sand The Boards?

It is important to clean and sand the boards because it will help prepare the surface for painting or sealing. When you paint a board, any dirt or debris left on it can cause the paint to flake off over time. Sanding down the boards also helps to even out any rough spots that may affect how smoothly the bean bags slide across the board. This will help your boards maintain their slick finish for longer.

Apply Primer

Once your boards are clean and sanded, it’s time to apply primer. Primer helps create a barrier between the wood of the board and whatever paint or sealant you choose to use later on. It also helps ensure that whatever color you choose for your board will be vibrant and long-lasting. Make sure you apply at least two coats of primer, allowing each coat to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Why Do You Need a Primer?

Primer is an important step in making your cornhole boards slick. Without it, the paint or sealant you apply later may not adhere properly, resulting in a less than satisfactory finish. Additionally, primer helps ensure that whatever color you choose for your board will be vibrant and long-lasting. So if you want your boards to look their best, don’t skip this step!

Paint or Sealant

Now it’s time for the fun part: painting or sealing your cornhole boards! If you want a glossy finish, then opt for paint instead of sealant; this will give your boards an extra layer of protection from moisture as well as providing them with an eye-catching shine. However, if you prefer a matte finish then sealant is probably your best bet; this will still protect against moisture but won’t have quite as much shine as paint does. Whichever option you choose, make sure you apply at least two coats of either paint or sealant so that your boards are fully protected from moisture damage and wear-and-tear over time.

Do You Really Need to Paint & Seal The Boards?

Yes! Painting and sealing the boards will help ensure that they maintain their slick finish for longer. The paint or sealant you choose to use will provide an extra layer of protection against moisture, dirt, and other environmental factors. So if you want your boards to stay slick and playable for years to come, don’t skip this step!

Finish Up

completed custom corn hole game boards

Once all of your coats of paint or sealant have dried completely, it’s time for one final step: adding decals! Decals are an easy way to customize your cornhole boards with whatever design or logo you want; they can also help give them an extra layer of protection from wear-and-tear over time as well as making them look even more slick than before! Just make sure that whatever decals you choose are made specifically for outdoor use so they don’t fade in direct sunlight over time.

Why Do Cornhole Boards Need to Be Slick?

Cornhole boards need to be slick in order to allow the bean bags to slide across them easily and accurately. This helps make the game more enjoyable for everyone playing, as it prevents any discrepancies that may occur due to uneven surfaces on the board. So if you want your cornhole boards to look great and be playable for years to come, make sure to follow the steps outlined above for cleaning, sanding, priming, painting/sealing, and adding decals! Good luck!

Play a Game & Test Your Boards Out!

Now for the best part, it’s time to play a game of cornhole! Grab a few friends, set up your boards in an open space, and test them out. As you throw bean bags across the boards, pay attention to how they slide. If they seem to be sticking or not sliding as smoothly as you would like, then it might be time to clean and sand your boards again and reapply a few coats of paint or sealant.

After you’ve tested out your newly painted cornhole boards, you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor! With proper care and maintenance, these slick boards should remain in great condition for years to come. So gather your friends, fire up the grill, and enjoy a friendly game of cornhole! If you are looking for some awesome cornhole bags to go with your slick boards, we've got hundreds of options. You can also browse our cornhole board selection if you are in the market for a new set of boards for you or that special someone.

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