You’ve likely heard all of the corny cornhole team names out there, and some of them can be a lot of fun. But when you’re trying to create something that really stands out, how can you differentiate your name from all of the other team names out there?
Let’s face it: some of those punny and funny names are really the best! But there are some tips to help you come up with names that you think will make your team stand out.
Check out these tips for creating the perfect cornhole team name!
How To Create The Perfect Cornhole Team Name
One way to make your team name unique is to determine a name that is something related to you. Chances are that you and your teammates all have something in common. In most cases, teams are made up of people with things in common or who associate together for something.
You probably have similarities or interests that you can pull into your team name, and it will definitely be unique. This is because your team is uniquely made up of you and whoever else you pull in.
What do you have in common? What are some things you laugh about together? Think about what brought you together or even some memories of the past, and use those things to create a unique name that will likely not be matched by anyone else you play against.
Adjectives are Great
Adjectives are another great way to spice up your team name and make it fun! For example, a team called the Lions might instead call themselves the Roaring Lions. There are plenty of adjectives out there, and you can choose whatever you feel fits the best.
To choose an adjective, you could always turn to a thesaurus and look up a specific word. If you’re thinking of a name or a term that you’d like to represent your team, try looking that up and see what other types of words you can find.
It’s a great way to make your team name a little less boring without making it complicated. If you’re not familiar with adjectives, this is ultimately a word or a phrase that is used to modify or describe a noun. It’s essentially a descriptive word. Use it to add strength to your name!
Try a Play on Words
Cornhole team names are the perfect time to go with that play on words. You can create a corny name or come up with some other category. When you use corn-related terms, though, you do run the risk of using a name that has been thought of before. And there’s really nothing wrong with that, as long as no one has that name at your league or tournaments.
You can come up with plenty of other plays on words for team names, too. For example, maybe you want to come up with a name that’s related to beanbags or tosses instead of corn.
Of course, if you and your teammates have things you enjoy together, you can use those things to create a play on words. Your team name doesn’t HAVE to have anything to do with cornhole or anything related to cornhole. It can be completely unique to your friend group.
Maybe your group likes to BBQ. If that’s the case, you could choose a BBQ theme for your name. This is really all about keeping it unique and authentic to you. But if you choose to be corny, there’s no shame in doing so!
Use Popular Terms or Themes
If you’re struggling to come up with something, you could always use pop culture or popular themes to determine a great team name. There are different ways to make this work.
Does your team have a favorite movie that you’re constantly quoting? Maybe your guy group constantly makes jokes from “The Office,” or you’re quoting movies like “Hangover” all the time. You could use your favorite quotes and phrases to create a name.
Using things that are currently popular makes the name creation a little bit easier. Think of ways to create puns or fun names incorporating those movie titles, quotes, or songs and bands that you enjoy together. This could be a lot of fun!
This is Your Cornhole Team Name
We could give you tips all day long, but in the end it’s your team and your name. Instead of worrying about what people will say or think of your name, create something that seems fitting to you.
We’re just here to provide some inspiration to get your thoughts moving and working. You can take it from there to create a personalized name that really fits your gang. Whether you choose to use something funny, something serious, or something totally corny is completely up to you and your team!
The beauty of having your own team and the ability to create your team name is that there is no wrong answer. No one else has to “get it.” They just have to be able to say it. You don’t owe any kind of explanation for why you chose a team name, but it could be a fun story!
Make this team name yours and do it with pride.
Customize Your Cornhole Set To Fit With Your Team Name
As you’re working on your cornhole team names, don’t forget to prepare for the game with custom cornhole boards and all the right accessories. Skips Garage would love to help you create your own customized cornhole set.
Our boards are created by hand, using the best materials on the market and always made to order! Reach out to us today to help you create a customized design, or check out the designs that have already been created to see if one of those appeals to you. Here’s to your next game!