How to Make The Most of After-School Time

When the bell rings at the end of the school day, what do you do with your kids? If you're like most parents, you might experiment with a few different options. You might send them to an after-school program, have them help with homework, or let them play outside. Whatever you can do to keep them entertained, right?

After a long day of school, the last thing your kids want to do is more work. But with a little creativity and some helpful guidance, parents can turn after-school time into a fun and productive experience for the whole family. Here is some information as well as some ideas for after-school games that will keep your kids entertained and help them learn new things.

The importance of after-school time

The hours after school can be some of the most important in a child's day. This is the time when kids have the chance to let loose and be themselves. They can explore their interests, try new things, and socialize with their peers. This time is important for kids' physical, mental, and emotional development. It can help them learn how to manage their time, develop their sense of self, and build healthy relationships. After-school activities can also provide a creative outlet for kids who are struggling in school or who need an extra challenge. Ultimately, after-school time is a crucial part of kids' growth and development, so it's important to make sure they have access to plenty of enriching activities.

It can also be a time for homework and chores, but it's important to strike a balance. Too much structure can lead to burnout, but too little can leave kids feeling aimless. The best after-school schedules allow for a mix of activities, both scheduled and unstructured. After-school clubs and sports teams can give kids a chance to pursue their passions, while free time can be used to relax or socialize. Regardless of how it's spent, after-school time is an important part of the day for kids. It's a time to recharge, learn new things, and have fun.


Ideas for after-school activities

Sometimes it can be difficult to choose a single activity or thing to do when it feels like you can literally do just about anything! If the ideas are too generic, like "go play," then the obvious follow-up question is "play what?" So we're going to provide a specific list of fun activities that kids can choose, or you can choose for them, that will help them fill their after-school time in a productive way.


Getting homework done right after school can have some great benefits. For one, you'll be able to get it out of the way and have the rest of your evening free. You won't have to worry about it hanging over your head all night. Additionally, you'll be fresh out of school and likely still have most of the information from that day fresh in your mind. This can make working on assignments easier and help you earn better grades. Getting homework done right away can help develop good habits in other areas of life, too. It can show you that it's important to get things done in a timely manner and can help instill a strong work ethic.

With the stress of school hanging heavy over the heads of even the youngest students, it's important to make sure kids get more time to relax, spend time with family and friends, and pursue their hobbies and interests. Not having to worry about homework gives students exactly that.

Additionally, getting homework done right away eliminates the possibility of forgetting about it or procrastinating until the last minute. By completing assignments immediately after school, students can ensure that they are handing in their best work and avoid any penalties for late submissions. So for students, getting homework done right after school can be a smart strategy for success.

Play outside

Most kids nowadays are glued to screens after school, whether it's for homework, playing video games, or watching TV. But there are plenty of good reasons why kids should spend some time outdoors instead. For one thing, being in nature can help reduce stress and improve moods. Being active outdoors can also boost energy levels and help fight obesity. And spending time with friends in the fresh air can promote social skills and teamwork.

image of kids playing outside

Physical activity helps them to release built-up energy and reduce stress. In addition, being outside in natural sunlight can help to improve their concentration. Playing outside with the other kids in your neighborhood can be a great way to meet new people and make new friends, too!

There are really unlimited ways for kids to play outside because they have such great imaginations. Whether it's an old game like tag or capture the flag, or something more sporty like a pickup game of soccer or whiffle ball, getting outside and interacting with other kids is so great.

The weather definitely has a say in whether or not your kids can play outside, but all you really have to worry about is the proper attire for the activity. If it's hot and sunny out give your kiddos some sun screen, a t-shirt, and some shorts and send them outside. If it's cold and snowy then toss them in the giant snow pants and a jacket and roll 'em out the door! Nothing beats building snowmen and having snowball fights. Just get those kids outside.


Organized sports offer many benefits to kids who participate. They can help to improve physical fitness, teamwork skills, and discipline. They can also be a lot of fun! Playing organized sports after school can help kids to stay active and make friends. It can also teach them important life lessons, such as how to set goals and work hard to achieve them. Participation in organized sports can have a positive impact on kids both physically and emotionally.

Staying active and engaged in your peer group after school is so important. Not only do they provide an opportunity for physical activity, but they also teach teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship. Moreover, playing on a team can help kids socialize and make friends. In fact, studies have shown that kids who play organized sports tend to have better grades and are less likely to get into trouble. As such, parents should encourage their kids to participate in after-school sports programs. Doing so will not only help them stay physically fit, but it will also provide them with valuable life skills.

Arts and crafts

After a long day of school, it can be hard for kids to sit still and focus on homework. However, there is one activity that can help them to relax and unwind while also promoting creativity and self-expression: arts and crafts. Working with their hands can be a fun and therapeutic way for kids to let out their energy, and it gives them a chance to be creative and explore their imaginations. Additionally, arts and crafts can help kids to develop fine motor skills and learn to follow instructions.

Most kids love doing arts and crafts, and there are plenty of benefits to after-school activities like these. Arts and crafts can be a great way for kids to socialize and make new friends, and in many cases can lead to bigger and better arts and crafts--like set design for the school drama club when your kids are in the later grades.

The skills they learn doing simple arts and crafts as kids can even lead them down the road to actual job skills later in life, too! There are many potential jobs that kids can pursue in the arts and crafts industry. For example, they could become a graphic designer, a web developer, or an artist. They could also become a teacher, working with kids to help them develop their creative skills. Additionally, there are many other jobs in the arts and crafts industry that kids could pursue, such as being a sculptor, a photographer, or a painter.

The sky's the limit when it comes to careers in the arts and crafts industry. Kids who are creative and talented have many opportunities to find a job that they love doing. So if your child is interested in pursuing a career in the arts and crafts field, be sure to encourage them and help them learn more about the different options available to them. They may just find their dream job!

Fun Games Kids Can Play

Board games are a great way to spend time after school, but they can also be a lot of fun for a solo player. There are many different types of board games available, from classic games like Monopoly to more modern offerings like Catan. Whatever your preference, there is sure to be a board game that is perfect for you. Here are some tips on how to choose and play different board games.

There are so many different options available, so it is important to find something that sounds interesting to you. You can read online reviews, look for recommendations from friends, or even watch videos of people playing the game. Once you have found a few possibilities, take some time to read the rules. This will help you get a better sense of how the game is played and whether it is something you would enjoy.

If you are new to board gaming, it is probably not a good idea to start with something too complex. Choose a game that has simpler rules and is not too long. This will help you get familiar with how the game works without becoming overwhelmed.

Board games are supposed to be enjoyable, so make sure to choose a game that you will actually enjoy playing. Don't be afraid to try something new - you might be surprised at how much fun you have.

Classic Games Your Kid Will Love

Monopoly is a classic board game that is enjoyed by people of all ages. The objective of the game is to become the richest player by buying, selling, and trading properties. The game is played with dice and cards, and players take turns moving around the board. The game can be won in several ways, but the most common is to force all other players into bankruptcy.

Scrabble is a word game that can be enjoyed by two or more players. The objective of the game is to score points by creating words using letter tiles. Players take turns adding letters to existing words or create new words from scratch. The game is won by the player with the highest score at the end of the game.

Chess is a board game that originated in northern India in the 6th century AD. It is a two-player strategy game in which each player attempts to checkmate the other's king. Chess is played on a square board with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid. The game is started with 16 pieces for each player, consisting of pawns, rooks, knights, bishops, a queen, and a king. Players take turns making moves with their pieces until one player has checkmated the other's king.

Cornhole become a fan favorite around the country. It's a game that requires you have two boards to play, so we'll include it in the list with other "board" games! Cornhole is a game that can be enjoyed by two or more players. The objective of the game is to score points by throwing bean bags into a hole in the other player's board.

photo of kids playing cornhole

Players take turns throwing bean bags, and the player with the most points at the end of the game wins. You can even play by yourself to practice! This is such a fun game and will help the kids get some exercise too! Please click to learn more about cornhole rules and how to play the game


As any parent knows, getting kids to read can be a challenge. However, reading is important for kids for a number of reasons. First, reading helps to improve literacy skills. Second, reading can help kids to develop a love of learning. Third, reading can provide kids with a way to explore new and different worlds. Finally, reading can promote bonding between parents and children.

Reading is a critical skill for success in school and in life. Research has shown that children who read regularly score higher on standardized tests, regardless of their socioeconomic status. If your child likes to read on their own, make sure you encourage that and help them continue that habit (and skill) throughout their life. Books provide so many great things for kids, and there are always age-appropriate books for every stage of development.

For young children, reading also provides an important opportunity for bonding with adults. So if you kid isn't quite old enough to read by themselves for a length of time, don't worry, they can still get all the benefits of reading by reading with you! When parents take the time to read with their kids, it helps to create a shared experience and strengthens the parent-child relationship. Moreover, reading aloud to children has been shown to improve their listening skills and attention span. In short, there are countless reasons why reading is important for kids after school. By making time for reading every day, parents can help their children succeed in school and in life.

Your Kids After-School Schedule Should Now Be Packed

If you haven't already figured it out, the best way to make the most of after-school time is by filling it with activities that are both enjoyable and productive. As the weather starts to cool down, it’s a great time to get those kiddos outside to enjoy some of their favorite fall activities. Whether it's picking pumpkins at the pumpkin patch or playing games in the park, make sure to take advantage of this beautiful season. 

Playing games like cornhole can also help get them get a break from schoolwork while also providing a physical outlet for stress. And don’t forget to check out our selection of cornhole boards – perfect for enjoying after-school time with family and friends. What other activities do your kids enjoy that can help them wind down after a long day?

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